Hi everyone,
Last weekend was the second time Maria and Jos , with their
Bed and Breakfast, participated in
an "Art Route" (kunst route).
Theme was "Wedding Fashion over the years"
( In dit blogbericht staan foto's en filmpjes waarop/in u als bezoeker
van de kunstroute, zichzelf kunt herkennen. Mocht u er bezwaar tegen
hebben dat deze zijn geplaatst neemt u dan alstublieft contact met mij op!!
De afbeeldingen of het filmpje zal ik dan verwijderen. )
( U vindt mijn emailadres in de sidebar van deze blog)
I was invited to participate , to show my fabric (brides)books ,
decoration (fabric centerpiece) - cakes and other creations I wanted to bring.
I was very honored to be asked and was busy for weeks
to make things ready.
Wanted to show you some pictures Mr.B. took during the weekend.
Be prepared for a lóóóóóóng post........
so you better pour yourself a huge cup of tea ladies !!!!!
and have a piece of cake : )....
Maria asked me to create a honeymoon suite
in the little shed.....!!!!
She had the most beautiful old lace available.........
so here I go.......
Where would I be without my dear hubby !!!!!
Isn't this just sóóóó romantic !!!!!
some rearranging of the pillows to do....... : )
Still a work in progress.............
So great to be with so many lovely people
Everybody assisting Maria and Jos
to get it done.
We had a wonderful time.
The doors in the back are the entrance of the bed and breakfast ,
where Mr. and Mrs. B stayed the night .
To give you an idea....... so lovely !!!!
The next morning.......getting ready for our visitors.....

The little cape below I made last year.
It has little pearls on the edge.
Looked so great on this
cocktail dress.
Maria was the lady speaker at the wedding fashion shows,
that were to be seen. Five beautiful, lovely ladies showed
the vintage dresses......
So now you know for sure who took the pictures : )).
Thank you, my love.......!!!
We had such a good time....
Thank you so much Maria and Jos for the invitation !!!!
If you're interested..... in my sidebar you'll find a link to their
Bed and Breakfast....."Bed en Boterham"
I hope you enjoyed !
With Love,