Hi everyone,
A special warm welcome to all of
my new followers !!
So happy to have you,
hope you enjoy my place and will be inspired .
If you visit to see my GYB Party post
click Here
During this Grow Your Blog Party
I indeed grew my Blog
and made a lot of new friends
and followers .
Again a huge THANK YOU !!! to Vicki from
2 Bags Full for hosting
this Blog Party and giving us as a chance
to visit so many interesting blogs
and see and enjoy many things of beauty.
To see her beautiful blog click Here
Throughout the years it has been wonderful
to get so much of inspiration, seeing the artworks of
many blog friends.
To work out my own ideas.
Hoping I might inspire others in my way.
So happy it seems that I did.......
Cheri from 'The Quilting Nanny' decided to change
the name of her blog in 'Fabric and Memories'
during the first week of the
Grow Your Blog Party.
She found her new passion in making
Memory Fabric Books.
You can read her story HERE.
Thank you so much Cheri for featuring me .
Today I want to share an other wedding present I made .
It was for a niece ( again......I have a lot of nieces : )
Sarah married her Koen past December.
Such a lovely couple !!
I decided to make a personalized ( well....sort of )
snippet roll . Or an altered spool if you like....
Had seen several on Pinterest and really wanted
to try and make one myself .
I'd like to share not only the pictures of the present ,
but a little bit more....... :)
" May the road rise to meet you ,
may the wind be always at your back .
May the sun shine warm upon your face ,
the rain fall soft upon your fields.........
and until we meet again , until we meet again.......
May God hold you in the palm of His Hand .
May the sun make your day bright,
may the stars illuminate your night.
May the flowers bloom along your path ,
your house stand firm against the storm.........
and until we meet again , until we meet again.......
May God hold you in the palm of His Hand".
Here's a little story about the tiny bottle.......
It contains water , rainwater ,
that fell on the day Sarah and Koen got married .
This idea is not my own ,
I saw it quite some time ago on a Blog , and I'm so sorry
that I don't remember whose Blog it was .
So if any of you knows whose wonderful idea it was
to put rainwater of the day of marriage
in a little bottle , as a wedding present , please tell me
so I can give this lady full credit here !!!
As a family we sang at the wedding .
Sarah's mother is from Ireland.
One of the songs was 'An Irish Blessing'
and this seemed the thing to do for me ,
to add this little gift as a symbol of.........
"the rain that may fall soft upon their fields ".
of the wedding invitation.
The dress code was : A touch of color......
Hope you enjoyed.................
"May God hold you in the palm of His Hand...."
With Love,