Hello Everyone,
A warm welcome to all of you.
First of all a huge THANK YOU to Vicki from,
2 Bags Full
for hosting this wonderful event where so many
of us can Grow our Blog and friendships....
Vicki is a lovely friend to many of us. She is so very kind
and compassionate.....you'll find out all about her
"Pink Scarf Project" at her blog 2 Bags Full
So excited to participate in this Blog Party
for the second time.
My name is Wilma. Living in the Netherlands,
happily married.....in fact.....this year Mr.B and I will have
our 40 years wedding anniversary.
We have 2 great sons, a lovely daughter-in-law,
and two wonderful grandsons.
My first blog post was written in 2011.
For some years I had seen so many beautiful blogs,
of lovely ladies connecting and sharing their interests and creations.
So much wished to be a part of this and tried to 'build ' my own
'Shabby Royale'
To know why I called it that....click HERE
(Grow Your Blog Party 2013)
Now and again having a hard time to find out how this 'blogging' works,
but I always can call in help from either one of my 'three wise men'.
I'm learning and love to share my things this way.
Loving the 'Shabby Chic', and in our house we're always
busy changing, painting and decorating to give it this look.
.........seem to get never done with it : ).
Hope and like to keep you posted about our efforts making a home.
There have been years that I wouldn't dream of entering a thrift shop
the only thing I saw was a lot of junk without any use.
Once I learned to 'see through' this and 'think creative'
it became my favorite way of shopping.
To decorate our house and (re) use in some of my creations.
Thanks to all the other bloggers that were so inspirational
I found a totally other way of being creative !!!!!!
In my sidebar you will find a lot of links
to the most beautiful blogs !!
My most precious find was a few years ago.
At home with mum and dad,
we had this old 'Sunday school picture' of Jesus.
It was on the wall of my father's study and I loved it.
I've always been looking out to find and buy this
particular one for myself and........there it was, after all these years
in a little 'brocante' shop about 100 mtr from our house !!!!
Guess you already found out that I'm a Christian : ).
You will notice in my blog
that I'm devoted to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
An other reason for me to blog is to let you know that God loves you !!!
( What else could you expect from a Baptist preachers' daughter : ).
After I started collecting all kind of potential stuff and creating with it
I got encouraged by the people that surround me to sell what I make.
So back it was................ my hidden dream to have a little gift shop....
where I could sell my own creations......in which I now also use
my 'thrift shop finds'.
Blogging changed my live in a very positive way.....
I found very dear friends, maybe far away at the other side
of the world, but they are close to my heart !!
Thought I might show you some pictures of my findings ,
of my work and at the end a few images of our '"home making"
Hope you enjoy..............
I used it as a background for my weblog,
and......for sewing pillow cases for the couch : ).
Always looking out for worn out books
and old gathered magazines
like these. This most shabby spine is from
a newspaper from 1878 !!
Love my typewriter,
it works.
Last week I found this gobelin/tapestry, it is over the top....a sort of : ),
but I was thinking of hanging it on a white wall
on the right spot in a shabby chic room......
would be just fun....

One of the first books I covered.
Thank you so much for your time! Hope to visit you on your blog too!!
To see all the other blogs participating
in this Party 2 Bags Full.
With Love