Hi everyone,
Hope you are doing well,
I'd like to share some photo's of a present I made.
You better pour yourself a huge cup of coffee ,
( tea or hot chocolate...... : )
and be prepared for a Lóóóóóóng
final post of the fabric book
I've already been showing you
all pages of..............
in my last three posts .
The smallest book is a letter in which I told Doni all about
the personal details I added .
In the last page I added a little ' paper and lace book '.
Had been looking out for a small book and found ,
in a thrift shop , this music book .
It had just the right size to use here ,
so I started to alter it................
Hope you like to see a few photo's of the process....
I used blotting paper to soften the pages .
Now......I know that ( I think ) everyone ,
who ever tried to alter a book , faces this problem :
.......... the book doesn't close.............
when you want to add 100.000's of pictures ,
lace , ribbons , buttons , beads and pearls....
So the following will be no surprise to you...............
" MY BOOK DIDN'T CLOSE "..........
and I had to dismantle the whole poor thing ,
create a new spine , and start all over again .
I 'm sure you totally understand I wasn't in the right mood
to make more photo's of the process ,
fár too embarassing and I had no time for such thing : ) .
But I left a hint for Doni and put the original spine on the back...
like so............. see ?? : )
My idea was to really make it look old and 'Shabby'..........
and shabby it got............ !!!!!
but in the end.............
I was rather pleased with the result ,
so here are the photo's I díd make.......... : )
The pictures are some of the wonderful vintage portraits I love ,
of some beautiful ladies , brides and wedding couples .
Hope you enjoyed............
With Love,